LPS is an innovative technology scale-up specialized in the various facets of laser technology, serving diverse segments. Our first products are aimed at solving the autumn leaf problem with the following two products: TriboMeter and LaserTrain.
laser precision solutions


LPS is an innovative technology scale-up specialized in the various facets of laser technology, serving diverse segments. Our first products are aimed at solving the autumn leaf problem with the following two products: TriboMeter and LaserTrain.


LaserTrain (LT) to urządzenie na śliskie tory kolejowe, rozwiązujące problem, który istnieje od momentu wprowadzenia kolei na początku XIX wieku. Opadające liście, rdza, olej i śmieci tworzą śliską warstwę na torach kolejowych, zmniejszając przyczepność między kołami pociągu a torem kolejowym.

LaserTrain LT wykorzystuje lasery o wysokiej intensywności do usuwania śliskiej górnej warstwy z torów. Dzięki usunięciu tej warstwy możliwe jest utrzymanie poziomu przyczepności na optymalnym poziomie przez cały rok. Optymalny poziom przyczepności pozwala uzyskać wiele zalet:

poślizgu kół
Znaczny spadek zużycia energii (8-12%) dzięki zapobieganiu poślizgowi kół
Skrócenie opóźnień (śr. o 30 sek. na przystanek) dzięki lepszemu przyspieszeniu

Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo

(100% mniej sygnałów zdarzeń SPAD ang. Signals Passed At Danger z powodu śliskiego toru dzięki ulepszonemu hamowaniu)


TriboMeter (TBM) provides real-time data on the friction between train and track, the so-called friction coefficient µ. Up until the TBM there was no way of measuring the slipperiness in real-time, making it hard for train drivers to adapt their driving to suit the circumstances. Like driving cars on ice, a lot of energy can be wasted by applying too much power in slippery conditions. This does not only lead to lower acceleration or braking from wheel slip, but also increases the wear-and-tear significantly.

TBM can be attached to the train bogie and provides real-time measurements of adhesion conditions. The TBM is certified for any type of train and with just a few vehicles equipped with TBMs, the following benefits can be achieved:

Measuring the traction between rail and track in real-time
Kontrola przyczepności
całej sieci kolejowej
Udoskonalenie schematów hamowania
i przyspieszenia
Zmniejszenie zużycia energii
o co najmniej 3%


TriboMeter (TBM) provides real-time data on the friction between train and track, the so-called friction coefficient µ. Up until the TBM there was no way of measuring the slipperiness in real-time, making it hard for train drivers to adapt their driving to suit the circumstances. Like driving cars on ice, a lot of energy can be wasted by applying too much power in slippery conditions. This does not only lead to lower acceleration or braking from wheel slip, but also increases the wear-and-tear significantly.


LaserTrain (LT) is the solution to slippery railway tracks, solving a problem that has been around since the introduction of the train in the early 1800s. Falling autumn leaves, rust, oil and rubbish create a slippery layer on railway tracks decreasing the friction force between the train wheel and railway track.

TBM can be attached to the train bogie and provides real-time measurements of adhesion conditions. The TBM is certified for any type of train and with just a few vehicles equipped with TBMs, the following benefits can be achieved:

The LT uses high-intensity lasers to remove the slippery top layer from the tracks. By removing this layer, the level of friction can be kept in the optimal state year-round. The optimal friction level has several benefits:

Measuring the traction between
rail and track in real-time
Mapping the traction of
an entire rail network
Improving braking
and acceleration schemes
Minimum of 3% reduction
in energy consumption
Reduction of flat spots by
preventing wheel slide
Significant decrease in energy usage (8-12%)
when preventing wheel slip
Reduction of delays (average 30 sec. gain per stop)
by improved acceleration
Increase in safety (100% less SPAD due to slipperiness) by improved braking
laser precision solutions


IH Systems Sp. z o.o. | 87-100 Toruń, ul. Wapienna 6 | NIP 8792698841 | REGON 369434095
email:, | | tel.: +48 22 108 99 99 | DANE OSOBOWE | POLITYKA JAKOŚCI
DISCLAIMER; no rights can be derived from this information, as changes and errors do may occur
IH Systems Sp. z o.o. | 87-100 Toruń, ul. Wapienna 6 | NIP 8792698841 | REGON 369434095
email:, | | tel.: +48 22 108 99 99 | DANE OSOBOWE | POLITYKA JAKOŚCI
DISCLAIMER; no rights can be derived from this information, as changes and errors do may occur